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Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Busdriver - Temporary Forever [2005]

Artist: Busdriver
Album: Temporary Forever
Genre: Abstract Rap / Underground hip-hop
1. New Aquarium
2. Imaginary Places
3. Along Came a Biter
4. Idle Chatter
5. Gun Control
6. Mind Crossing
7. Suing Sony
8. Stylin' Under Pressure
9. Single Cell Ego
10. Somethingness - Busdriver, Radioinactive,
11. Driver's Manual
12. Truth of Spontaneous Human Combustion - Busdriver, , Of Mexican Descent
13. Opposable Thumbs
14. Unplanned Parenthood
15. Jazz Fingers - Aceyalone, Busdriver
16. Reality Sandwich
17. Wrong Route
18. Post Apocalyptic Rap Blues

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